Monday, December 7, 2009

Hamlet Act 3 Questions for StudyAct 3

Scene 1:

1. What do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern report to Polonius?
They report that he is not crazy but is definitely different then he used to be. He is hiding things from them and they think he is partially crazy.

2. How does Claudius react when Polonius says, "…with devotion's visage, And pious action we do sugar o'er/ The devil himself"?
Claudius reacts by finally confirming the ghosts accusation. In his aside he speaks of his guilt for killing the old Hamlet

3. What plan do Polonius, Claudius and Ophelia now put into action?
Polonius and claudius are going to hide and listen while ophelia meets Hamlet and destroys him and see hamlets reaction.

4. What is the nature of Hamlet's soliloquy, lines 57-91?
Hamlet is speaking of his choice between suicide and fighting for life. It is of the hardships of life.

5. What is Hamlet's main argument against suicide?
Suicide is very unnoble and uncourageous.

6. Why does Hamlet treat Ophelia as cruelly as he does? What has changed him?
Hamlet treats ophelia cruelly because he believes that she is being more loyal to her father then to their love. He no longer loves her because she has betrayed him

7. What thinly veiled threat to Claudius does Hamlet voice, after he becomes of his hidden presence? (lines 148-150)
He warns him that he will kill him. "Those that are married already-all but one- shall live" he also says that he will not marry ophelia. Condeming her to either a whore-house or a nunnery.

8. At the end of this scene, what does the King decide to do with Hamlet?
The king decides to send hamlet off to england so that hamlet cannot threaten his kingship.

Scene 2:

9. What qualities in Horatio cause Hamlet to enlist his assistance?
Horatio is a good friend and a well balanced man. He is smart and loyal.

10. What does Hamlet ask Horatio to do?
Hamlet wants horatio to watch the king throughout the presentation of a play in order to find out if he is guilty of killing the old hamlet.

11. Summarize what happens in the play-within-a-play.
in the play within a play the playersacted out the killing of the king and king claudius started to freakout. Meanwhile Hamlet is making fun of everyone and being loud. He embarases ophelia claudius polonius and the queen. The king eventualy gets to embarrassed and fed up and leaves.

12. Why, in line 233, does Hamlet refer to the play-within-a-play as "The Mouse-trap"?
the name of the play represents how the king is going to be trapped and surprised by the play. it makes the king more anxious.

13. What is the King's reaction to the play?
the king becomes very guity and uneasy when he is watching the play. he eventually storms out of the theater claiming that he needs air.

14. In lines 354-363, to what object does Hamlet compare himself? Why?
He is comparing himself to a flute. this is partly because Fortune plays men like flutes. And he is saying that rosencraft and guildenstern cannot play him like a flute. He is too smart.

15. As Hamlet goes to his mother at the end of this scene, what does he admonish himself for.
He doesn't want to physically hurt his mother but be verbally harsh to her.

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