Monday, March 29, 2010

Cantos 13, 14, 15

Canto XIII
Line 9--"the repellent harpies make their nest"
this line introduces another monster from classical liturature. The Harpy is a femle monster that shrieks and torments men. This goes along with the many other classical beasts found in hell.

Why is violence against ones self before violence before god and after violence to others? it seems that it would be lesser ring of the 7th level.

Canto XIV
lines 38-52--The man, copaneus, seems to pay no heed to the falling fire and the souls around him. Even in death he is to proud to not hate god. This shows true ignorance on his part and is a comment by Dante on the nature of kings who think themselves above god.

The figure that produces the rivers from each type of metal in its body is an interesting symbol. Each type of metal represents a different society in the history of man.(the bronze age, gold age, iron age...) This is interesting because many of these ages were before christianity and therefore they produce the rivers of hell. If a new age dawns will another river appear? As society devlopes is Dante hinting that more evils will be produced?

Canto XV
Brunetto was Dantes mentor...this fits in that dante is discovering his past in a way and finding all of the souls that he had once known in life. Dante the poet is condemning those souls to hell. This is an interesting person to condemn because Dante seems fond of him.. Why is this?

line 90--"i am prepared for Fortune to do her will"
This fits with the theme of fate and acceptance. Dante is ready to allow whatever fate is destined to be his. He asks of his future knowing that he cannot change it. This is a good trait. dante gives his character this to make him seem more noble.

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